Monday, June 23, 2008

What do you do with a BA in English?

Find a part-time job until you actually get hired in some interesting career, obviously.

On my first day of my first ever time seriously looking into retail as employment, I stumbled into a position and got hired. In the shoe department.

I don't know anything about shoes, but I'll be getting medical insurance and a 20% discount while I figure it out.


PS. I have to change the wording of my banner-- I'm barely a college student anymore. No degree until August, true, but what's a month or two?


  1. Anonymous6:03 AM

    I'm taking my MA with my BA in English. The Dutch system of a 'propaedeuse' certificate for the first year of your studies (so you can switch to a different type of studies for example) and then getting a degree after the 4th year recently switched to the BA/MA system. But still no one believes you can be done with uni after just 3 years, so almost no one sees a BA degree as the end of your studies. If you stop after your BA it's viewed as dropping out (but with a certificate). Still I don't have much faith an MA will get me a proper job...

  2. wontletlifedefineme: I've been thinking about getting an MA-- in fact, I've always wanted one-- but I'm hoping that I can find a company to pay for it. American tuition being what it is, I won't be able to afford it on my own for a while.

    You know, the more people who get a BA, the less a BA actually means. You get so much more attention for a Masters.


  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I know what you mean about (for me foreign) tuition fees. I thought about doing my MA abroad but I couldn't afford it. A year of tuition fees in the Netherlands costs 1550 euros approximately, so that's very doable.
