Monday, January 14, 2008

My Lady Bits Hurt

Currently, I'm watching a program about a family who has 13 children and the 14th on the way (I'm not sure if it's that famous family with the 17 kids or not) and, frankly, I'm kind of sickened. If you really think that you're family is "incomplete," adopt some damn kids!

There are so many children out there on the streets in our own country. How can you possibly add to the world's population so drastically when there are kids that are starving or left to rot in orphanages?

Frankly, I think that having children is an addiction to this couple, as much as drugs and alcohol are addictions to other people. I'm not saying that they don't care for their kids, but come on! Fourteen times is really pushing it.


I don't know why I care so much about this. Honestly, these people can do what they want and it will never affect me. The kids seem healthy, polite, and very well-loved. But all I can think about are the kids who will never have parents-- and couples who can never have kids.




  1. There are people who can only form a bond with their own kids, not somebody else's - and I personally think that's perfectly fine. I personally can't imagine adopting a kid unless it was a relative's or a close friend's, not just because of the bonding part, but because I would want to know exactly where they come from, etc. I don't think people should feel compelled to take responsibility for anyone else's children, although it's certainly very laudable and admirable if they do.

  2. irina: I can understand that-- but nothing can make me understand 14 biological children. Maybe it's because my people have about three children at the most. It's just out of my realm of comprehension.


  3. Yeah, that's true... but I know religious people tend to have larger families, it's just not as common for more secular ones.

  4. irina: It just seems that double digits might be a bit excessive.

    On the humorous side of things, that lady's stretch marks must be a mile long.


  5. no, dude. I agree.

    14 kids is whack.

    No matter how you slice it.

  6. You make a very good point...

  7. Anonymous12:43 PM

    oh shit wow. she's a pro. personally I'm not a huge fan of the #s on that one. Mostly it's because with a family that large, it is harder to fully parent each individual child to the degree that they need attention - so often big families have the siblings each looking after the littlest, which is, in my opinion, taking away a bit of their own childhood. not cool. I would've been so pissed if I had that kind of responsiblity as a 12yr old.

  8. just me: Heh, thanks. I wouldn't be able to remember all of their names. Especially when I got old and my memory started to go...

    chelsea: Thank you.

    cassette45: The mother is really dedicated to those kids, but there are only so many hours in the day.

