Sunday, November 18, 2007

Ring, Ring

I need a vacation and I need it now.

I don't know how it happens, but everything seems to pile up-- which is mostly my fault, I know.

As much as it galls me to phone it in, that's what I have to do today. There is too much of a chance of me writing a post that isn't entirely thought out (see yesterday for a prime example). Stress and anxiety doesn't make for good reading anyway.



  1. Anonymous11:06 PM

    I need a vacation from Nablopomo. Badly. It's kind of making me dislike blogging, which is sad.

  2. I am ready for Thanksgiving for real. No more student teaching, no more classes, just sleep and turkey... aaaah turkey. :)

  3. rachel: I hear you. I feel like I've run out of things to say and it's becoming quite the chore.

    abzdragon: And turkey causes sleep, so that makes for an amazing vacation.

